Hurtige Prototyper – Proces og Materialebeskrivelse

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Hurtige Prototyper

Metalbearbejdning, spaantag, Spåntagende bearbejdning
Plastsprøjtestøbning ,Plastsprøjtestøbning, Plast Sprøjtestøbning, Vacuumformning, Rotationsstøbning
Aluminium Støbning
Elektronik Manufactoring Services (EMS) Box_Build, Printplade PCBA
Box Build / Styringer
Kabelkonfektion, Kabelkonfektion, Kabelkonfektion , Netledninger
Folietastaturer Keyboard
Industriel PC
LCD LCM TFT Industriel PC
Industriel PC
Transformatorer Transformator, Transformatorer ringkerne trafo
Ringkerne Trafo
Montagekasser, Plast Montagekasser, Plast Kasser, Aluminium Vandtæt Montagekasser, Aluminium Kasser

Hurtige Prototyper

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Om Os:
APC ApS er en dansk-kinesisk outsourcing producent med kontor i Danmark og afdelinger i Shanghai og Shenzhen.

APC har 14 års erfaring som underleverandør i Danmark, 1998 pris-belønnet som landsvinder af ´Entrepreneur of the year´.

Herudover 18 års erfaring med produktion af spåntagende metalbearbejdning, Spånløs pladebearbejdning, Støbegods, Gummi samt plast sprøjtestøbte produkter i Kina.
Herudover mulighed for, Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS).

En virksomhed kan ikke være specialist på alle disse områder. APC har derfor en række specialist produktions partnere i Kina, med hvem vi har et tæt og længerevarende samarbejde og handelsforhold.

Med en portefølje af flere kunder, opnår vi følgende fordele for den enkelte kunde:

- Kvalificerede producenter, der kan modsvare kunders krav. APC foretager løbende Audi hos producenterne til sikring af kvalitet og levering.

- Lavere priser, idet den samlede forretning hos producenten bliver større (brugsforenings princippet eller andelsbevægelsen).

- Lavere stykantal hos den enkelte kunde vil også komme i betragtning hos producenten, da APC har flere kunder hos hver producent.

- Kommunikation og forhandlinger varetages af APC, der med den oparbejdede relation til producenten samt erfaring med kinesisk forretningskultur, hurtigere får kundens krav og ønsker gennemført.

- APC er lokalt til stede i Kina, hvilket sikrer kvalitet og levering. Evt. problemer løses bedst og hurtigst ved kinesisk mellemkomst.

- Kunden betaler producenten direkte uden et fordyrende dansk mellemled.

APC kan derfor opfattes som kundens gratis indkøb, og teknisk afdeling.

Hurtige Prototyper

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Metalbearbejdning, spaantag, Spåntagende bearbejdning
Plastsprøjtestøbning, Plastsprøjtestøbning, Plast Sprøjtestøbning , Vacuumformning, Vacuumformning,  Rotationsstøbning
Elektronik Manufactoring Services (EMS) Box_Build2Printplade PCBA
Box Build / Styringer
Kabelkonfektion, Netledninger
Folietastaturer Keyboard
Industriel PC
LCD LCM TFT Industriel PC
Industriel PC
Transformatorer, Transformatorer ringkerne trafo
Ringkerne Trafo
Montagekasser, Plast Montagekasser, Plast Kasser, Aluminium Vandtæt Montagekasser, Aluminium Kasser


Hurtige Prototyper

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Om Priser:

Priserne er normalt baseret på USD.

Omregning mellem USD og Dk kan foretages her:

Prisudviklingen mellem USD og den kinesiske RMB kan ses her:

Emne priser:

Priser på metal, plast og elektronikkomponenter er eksponentielt afhængig af ordrestørrelse.

Den kan være anført i QTY Stk eller ordrestørrelse med MOQ som mindsteordre i USD.

Der er groft opdelt 2 kategorier af fabrikstyper baseret på maskinpark og flow i fabrikkerne.
A) Serie/Ordre volumen producerende typisk med MOQ større end 3-500 USD og QTY større end 500-1000 Stk
- Disse fabrikker laver kun prototyper i forbindelse med ordre på Serie/Ordre produktion.
Ofte fordre fabrikkerne selv at kunden modtager "Sampel" =Prototyper til godkendelse inden produktionsopstart.
Som oftest er disse sample indregnet i tilbudsprisen inklusiv fragt med fly.

B) En gangs ordre eller prototype ordre. Maskinparken er her meget fleksibel med maskiner baseret på hurtig opsætning.
Fabrikkerne er ofte benævnt som Rapid elle Quick prototyping. Disse fabrikker er blevet meget fremherskende i Kina.
Her er QTY fra 1 stk benævnt 1+. Leveringstiden 7-10 dage. Levering med fly 3-4 dage. Tilbudstid samme dag.
Prisen er her typisk fra 10 til 15 gange højere end for de Serie/Ordre volumen producerende fabrikker.

APC ApS arbejder ofte med kunder der starter op med "Sampel" fra prototype fabrikkerne, hvorefter APC omplaceret
emnerne ved løbende produktion til de Serie/Ordre volumen producerende fabrikker.

Som nævnt er priserne eksponentielt afhængig af QTY.

Der er groft 3 "skarpe hjørner"

a) 1 til 30 Stk Pris ca 10-15 gange pkt b
b) 500-1000 stk
c) > 5000 stk pris ca 10-20% under pkt b


De kinesiske fabrikker kan arrangere fragt eller vore kunder kan sammen med APC arrangere fragt.

Ofte får APC tilbud for begge sider. Forskellen kan her være stor afhængig af fabrikkernes placering
inde i Kina. Dette pga. dyre interne fragtomkostninger til f.eks Skib eller fly transport.

Priser angives i FOB (Free on board) der er optimal ved skibstransport ved sendinger over 50-60kg
samt en større volumen.

Priser angives i EXW (EX works) der er optimal ved flytransport ved sendinger under 50-60kg
samt en mindre volumen.

Salg og leveringsbetingelser:

Normalt 100% forudbetaling for mindre ordre.
Alternativ 50% forud og rest betaling ved afsendelse.
APC opererer med betaling direkte ved fabrikken der groft sparer 10% finansiering og 10% skat.
Herved har vore kunder fabrikspriser da APC ApS er indkalkuleret som en
intern salgsomkostning fra fabrikken.


Hurtige Prototyper

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Metalbearbejdning spaantag1Spåntagende bearbejdning
Plastsprøjtestøbning, Plastsprøjtestøbning, Plast Sprøjtestøbning ,Vacuumformning, Vacuumformning Rotationsstøbning
Elektronik Manufactoring Services (EMS) Box_Build2Printplade PCBA
Box Build / Styringer
Kabelkonfektion, Netledninger
Folietastaturer Folietastaturer
Folietastaturer Keyboard
Industriel PC
LCD LCM TFT Industriel PC
Industriel PC
Transformatorer ,  Ringkerne trafo
Montagekasser Plast, Montagekasser Plast, Kasser Aluminium, Vandtæt Montagekasser, Aluminium Kasser

Prototyper produceret via CNC, Vacum Casting, 3D Printing. Hvis APC ApS pr mail  inden kl 10:30 har fået 2 og 3 D tegninger (STP/STEP/IGS, STL til printing) får kunden tilbud samme dag. QTY 1+ Stk. LEVERINGSTID 7-10 dage. FLYTRANSPORT 3-4 dage. Min Ordre 100 USD Tilbud Ønskes

Min Ordrestørrelse 1 stk. Når eller hvis ordrestørrelsen QTY overstiger ca 100 -200 stk små emner, eller 30-50 stk større emner, kan APC ApS flytte produktionen til vores volumenproducent. Prisen vil herfra typisk være mere ca 10-15 gange mindre end for prototyper afhængig af volumen.

3D Printing Plast emner

3D Printing Metal emner

♦ 3D Printing Plast
♦ 3D Printing Metal
♦ SLA/SLS Rapid Prototyping
♦ CNC Rapid Presision Machining
♦ Rapid Urethane casting
♦ Sheet meatal processing
♦ Tooling/Injection molding/Die casting
♦ Post Production Finishing
♦ Quality Assurance.

♦ Leveringstid ca 1 uge.
♦ Tilbudstid ca 1/2 Dag. 
♦ Flytransport ca 3-4 dage 

3D Printing, SLA/SLS Rapid Prototyping

Stereolithography (SLA) is a rapid prototyping process that uses a vat of liquid UV-curable photopolymer resin and a UV laser to build parts one layer at a time. After each layer is hardened, the build platform is lowered by one layer thickness (0.004″-0.006″). Once all the layers are complete, the build platform rises and the part can be removed and cleaned.
SLS machine uses a computer controlled laser to sinter (melt) a thermoplastic powder, layer by layer, to create a three dimensional part.

* High accuracy(Tolerance .004"/inch)
* Very fast delivery(2-3days)
* Easy to make complex geometry or tiny parts

3 D Print

3D Printing

Direct Metal Printing (DMP) is an additive manufacturing technology that builds high quality complex metal parts from 3D CAD data. In the machine, a high precision laser is directed to metal powder particles to selectively build up thin horizontal metal layers one after the other. This cutting edge technology allows for the production of metal parts with challenging geometries, not possible using traditional subtractive or casting technologies. A variety of functional metals are available to print designs, from prototypes to production series of up to 20,000 units.

  • Production of small and extremely complex shapes with no need for tooling
  • High quality parts ideal for R&D and serial part manufacturing at the tightest tolerances
  • Industry’s best surface finished parts with exceptional accuracy
  • Accommodate innovative part design versus conventional processes
  • Topology optimized parts and mass customization
  • Complex and thin-walled structures allow significant part weight reduction

Urethane Casting

Vacuum formning

The urethane casting process begins with a pattern which can be made by SLA or CNC. Then we make the silicone mold based on the master pattern, cast the PU material into this mold. After solidifing under the vacuum situation, we finally get the dupilicated part.
You may select from a range of urethane materials with properties that simulate the thermoplastic materials often used in production( like hardnessfrom 10 shore A to 80 shore D). To prevent colors from chipping or flaking off, parts can be cast in color instead of painted. These colors can be matched by a Pantone number or a color chip.


* Very quick speed.
* Cost-effective.
* Reduce the dverlopment risk.
* Suitable for low-volume production.

CNC Rapid Precision Machining

Sprøjtestøbe Maskiner





Injection Molding is widely used in the medical, automotive, industrial, construction and consumer product industries.
With injection molding, granular plastic is fed by gravity from a hopper into a heated barrel. As the granules are slowly pushed forwarded by a screw-type plunger, the plastic is forced into a heated chamber called the barrel where it is melted. As the plunger advances, the melted plastic is forced through a nozzle that seats against the mold sprue busing, allowing it to enter the mold cavity ghrough a grat and runner system. The mold reamins at a set temperature so the plastic can solidify almost as soon as the mold is filled.

Advantage:  * High production rate.  * Repeatable high tolerance.  * Wide range of materials.  * Low labor cost.  Materialer: ABS, Nylon, Polycarbonate, Ultem, Polypropylene, Acetal, Nylon, And many more 

Plastics extrusion is a high-volume manufacturing process in which raw plastic is melted and formed into a continuous profile. Extrusion produces items such as pipe/tubing, weatherstripping, fencing, deck railings, window frames, plastic films and sheeting, thermoplastic coatings, and wire insulation.

Blister pack is a term for several types of pre-formed plastic packaging used for small consumer goods, foods, and for pharmaceuticals. The primary component of a blister pack is a cavity or pocket made from a "formable" web, usually a thermoformed plastic. This usually has a backing of paperboard or a "lidding" seal of aluminum foil or plastic.
Materialer: PVC, PP, PET, etc.

Blow molding is a manufacturing process that is used to create hollow plastic parts by inflating a heated plastic tube until it fills a mold and forms the desired shape. The raw material in this process is a thermoplastic in the form of small pellets or granules, which is first melted and formed into a hollow tube, called the parison.
Materialer: LDPE, HDPE, PET, PP, PVC

Samling af komplet apparat

Sprøjtestøbnings værktøj


Tooling is widely used for metal plastic and rubber manufacture. Subtructing material by CNC machining, CNC lathe, EDM, Wire cutting, the speical shape and dimension of mold cavity will be formed.
Our engineering department design the mold according to your product. We have the ability to provide rapid tooling services to maintain your production requirements.

The tooling cost has two main components - the mold base and the machining of the cavities. The cost of the mold base is primarily controlled by the size of the part's envelope. A larger part requires a larger, more expensive, mold base. The cost of machining the cavities is affected by nearly every aspect of the part's geometry. The primary cost driver is the size of the cavity that must be machined, measured by the projected area of the cavity (equal to the projected area of the part and projected holes) and its depth. Any other elements that will require additional machining time will add to the cost, including the feature count, parting surface, side-cores, lifters, unscrewing devices, tolerance, and surface roughness.

Lead time: 5-7 working days.
Payment terms: T/T, 50% deposit when placing order.  50% balance before shipment.
Shipment: FedEx / DHL/ UPS/ TNT Express is acceptable.

CNC Bearbejdning

Laser Cutting

CNC Bearbejdningscenter


CNC Machining is a subtractive manufacturing method which cuts away unwanted material from primary stock to form the shape of the needed part.
CNC Machining is a great process for manufacturing low and high quantities of quality metal and plastic parts in kinds of materials, like ABS, PC, PMMA, POM, PA , PVC, PP and aluminum, zinc alloy, brass, steel, etc.
CNC machines use coded instructions that are sent to an internal computer, which allows factories to fabricate parts accurately and quickly. It contains information about where parts of the machine should be positioned, and tells the machine exactly where to place a tool. Other instructions tell the machine additional details, like the speed a part should run at; how deep it should cut, burn, or punch; and the angle of an automated tool.

* Fast speed.
* Low cost.
* High accuracy.
* Good intensity and toughness.
* Easy to make real appearance and large model.

Die Casting

Die casting is a metal casting process which forming products by forcing molten metal under high pressure into mold cavity(which are machined into dies). This process is great for applicatons requiring a large quantity of small to medium size parts with good detail, a fine surface quality and dimensional consisitency. It is widely used for manufacutring aluminum, zinc alloy products.

* High production rate.
* Repeatable high tolerance.
* Used for volume production of alloy

Die casting

Trykstøbt Aluminium


Powder Coating

Surface Finishing

To make the appearance close to the real products, it asks for post treatment at the final step of prototyping. Based on advanced equipment and expert stuff, we can meet speical expectations for surface finishing. Services on offer include polishing, spray painting(glossy/matte), sand blasting, silk screen painting, laser engraving, anodizing, plating, brushing, UV coating.

Powder Coating





